garden soil

As garden soil we mean the superficial soil, up to 60 cm depth where plants germinate and grow up.

It is consists mostly from humus and mineral particles: clay (very fine grains), silt (medium-sized grains) and sand (large grains)

The main categories of soil

The main categories of soil are determined by the percentage composition of these materials.

Sandy Main ingredient is the sand. They are conidered as easily cultured as they are loose and fluffy. The loose composition allows water, sun and air to pass through easily and to a greater depth than the rest, but also not to keep moisture and nutrients to the surface as they are drifted easily.Also do not have good thermal properties, in winter cooled easily in summer heated. Not suitable soil for plants with small root system, because the thin consistencydoes not allow the plants to support robust and aresusceptible to strong winds and in the warm cease to grow, if not completely dry. However, if we mix with clay (sandy clay) or with digested or undigested manure or with humus improves significantly.

Clayey or Red Soil
Those with large amounts of clay. They have great consistency and unlike the sandy soil, water, sun and wind hardly penetrated. Have good thermal properties and maintain temperature in winter and humidity in summer,but the high temperatures created deep cracks.

Due to the high cohesion is difficult for plant roots to go deep and suffer from asphyxia. In drought when surface moisture evaporates, the plants cease to grow, if not completely dry. Loamy soils are improved by mixing with sandy soils or with digested or undigested manure or with humus.

Limestone or white soil Derived from limestone and have the disadvantages of clay soils. We can improve in the same way, by mixing sand or manure as loamy.But not lime, dolomite, limestone because they already have a lot.


Humic or garden soils or black soil

Rich in organic matter, dark brown color. Ffluffy and easily cultured with good thermal properties, retain heat in winter and not elevate temperature in summer. Absorb and retain moisture easily, while sun and air passes through easily.
Most appropriate soils for cultivation and we alse use them to enrich poor soils (clay, sand and limestone). They do not need improvement (manure, etc.).


Clay soils

Dark brown or black, consisting of equal amounts of clay, silt and sand. Extremely soils for cultivation, rich in nutrients for plants. Easily maintain the required amount of water for a long time. As quaternary deposition the silty soils, particularly on the slopes, are extremely unstable and show creepage,a type of slow settling, resulting the presence of bending tree trunks.


Mixed Soils mixed with all the major components (clay, sand, calcium and organic matter). Are named depending on the dominant material: sandy clay, or clayey humus, humus or sandy humus etc